climote's New Immersion Featured on Eco Eye, RTE 1

Eco Eye

See climote's new Smart Immersion Controller on RTE's Eco Eye: Watch here.

Did you know 20% of the total household energy spend is used to heat domestic hot water (SEAI).

Have you ever wondered:

  1. How much hot water do I have in my hot water tank?
  2. Do I have enough hot water to have a shower?
  3. How long do I need to have the immersion on to have a shower?
  4. Did I turn the immersion off?

climote's Smart Immersion Controller will put an end to these conundrums by allowing you to control your immersion from anywhere in the world. It will also allow you to heat just the right amount of water with no wastage.

Please fill out the survey to register your interest and we will update you closer to the product launch date.

Kind regards,
The climote Team